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The Full Story

     On New Years Eve, year 2000, a group of 9 friends gathered together and started discussing the fact that they were unhappy with the current situation of the lack of car clubs in the community that was accepting of all.  The more they discussed the more excited they became; they wanted to see a car club in the Corridor Community that was all inclusive! 

     This group of 9 friends consisted of: Mark and Donna Heacock, Glenn and Doris Havel, Marv Hansen, Elaine Sweet, Bruce Platteter, Jim and Gerri Anderlik. 

Between the 9 of them, they came up with the name of Classy Chassy Cruisers. 

Their Mission: To welcome all fellow auto enthusiasts to the club to encourage camaraderie among car enthusiasts who believe in preservation, restoration, and enjoyment of all automobiles of all years, makes and models, new and old and everything in-between.

     The 9 of them wanted to welcome everyone into their club, they didn't want to exclude anyone.  The members didn't need to have to have a specific make of a vehicle, they didn't even need to own a vehicle; the person just needed to want to belong!

     On February 10, 2001, Classy Chassy Cruisers was formally established as a Non-profit Corporation and a Non-Profit Car Club officially founded by Mark Heacock. However, if you ask Mark, it was 100% a group collaborative and would have never happened without the hard work and encouragement of the original 9.  

The very first of the Friday Night Cruise-In's began In April 2001 at the A&W Restaurant, HWY1, Iowa City who graciously agreed to host six Friday Night Cruise In's through September 2001. That April started the kick off of Classy Chassy Cruisers of 17 Families for a total of 27 members. April 27, 2001 was the very first Cruise-in, and hoping for the best the club was hoping for about 25-30 cars; quickly Classy Chassy Cruisers were blow away by registering 60 vehicles  in one night!  They were so excited, they had registrants as far as Peoria, Illinois.

In 2002 the location of the Friday Night Cruise In's needed to be changed to a much larger location, as the membership had grown so large they could no longer host such large Cruise Ins. The Sycamore Mall in Iowa City became our contracted site until 2013 when we contracted with Coral Ridge Mall in Coralville, IA where we have been located ever since. 

     So it began....24 years later and 24 years stronger, Classy Chassy Cruisers is a solid staple in the Corridor Community.

Classy Chassy Cruisers wants YOU! They want your vehicle, do you love it? Then we love it! We don't discriminate here! Unicycle to 18-wheeler! 2 cycle motor to that big old V-8! Gas to Diesel !  (Don't drive, aren't old enough....have that 3 year old that is proud of his/her Little Tikes Cozy Coupe??? Register that too!) We Do Not Discriminate!  Remember: Registration for all vehicles is only $1.00 and you do not need to be a member to register your vehicle.  All Registration proceeds and sales from the 50/50 tickets are donated to Hospice of Iowa City, which was voted in by the members of Classy Chassy Cruisers as the designated Non-Profit Charitable Organization of Choice in 2015.

     Classy Chassy Cruisers is not only about friendships, but we are all about family as well. We have always taken into account that money isn't something that people come by easily and when it is....we like to put it toward our passion hem...our vehicles.  Classy Chassy Cruisers started out with a Membership fee in 2001 of $15 for a Family Membership.  In April 2012, the USPS announced a significant raise in postal costs, and due to the standard costs of paper and other general expenses; the Board had to make the difficult decision to increase the membership fees to the rate of $20.00.  Classy Classy Cruisers prides ourselves in the fact that we do not have any intention of raising our current rate of membership dues, unless there is significant strain to the budget which would effect the daily operating costs of the Club. We are proud to say we have the lowest cost of membership dues in the area for any car club.  We want this to be an enjoyable experience for you and your family!


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